9 Tips for Making Hanging Out with Friends Easier on Discord
Discord is a fantastic platform for hanging out with friends, and with these 9 tips, you can make your experience even more enjoyable. From managing friend requests to customizing notification settings, we've got you covered.
Introduction to Discord Tips
Introduction to 9 tips for making hanging out with friends easier on Discord
The video starts by introducing the topic of making hanging out with friends easier on Discord. The narrator mentions that there are 9 tips that can be used to achieve this.
Friend Request Management
Managing friend requests on Discord
The first tip is about managing friend requests. The narrator explains that users can go into their user settings and then into friend requests to find an easy way to allow either everyone, friends of friends, or server members to send them friend requests.
Text Formatting
Text formatting options on Discord
The second tip is about text formatting. The narrator shows an example of an announcement post and explains that users can use various formatting options such as logophobia, spoiler tagging, and quotation marks to make their messages easier to understand.
Copying Message/Channel Links
Copying links to calls, channels, or messages on Discord
The third tip is about copying message/channel links. The narrator explains that users can right-click on a call, channel, or specific message and copy the link to it, making it easy to share with others.
Discord Inbox
Accessing the Discord inbox
The fourth tip is about the Discord inbox. The narrator explains that users can access their inbox by going to the top right corner of the Discord app and clicking on the little envelope button.
Mark All Messages As Read
Marking all messages as read on Discord
The fifth tip is about marking all messages as read. The narrator explains that users can go to the unread tab and click on a button to mark all notifications as read.
Custom Notification Settings
Customizing notification settings on Discord
The sixth tip is about custom notification settings. The narrator explains that users can go to their user settings and scroll down to notifications to find various options for customizing their notification experience.
Server Folders
Organizing servers into folders on Discord
The seventh tip is about server folders. The narrator explains that users can click and drag servers on top of each other to group them together into a folder.
Fixing Audio Settings
Fixing audio settings on Discord
The eighth tip is about fixing audio settings. The narrator explains that users can hover over another user and right-click on them to manually adjust their volume.
Voice Channel Status
Setting voice channel status on Discord
The ninth and final tip is about voice channel status. The narrator explains that users can set a description for their voice channel to let others know what's going on.
Conclusion of the 9 tips for making hanging out with friends easier on Discord
In conclusion, these 9 tips can help make hanging out with friends on Discord easier and more enjoyable. By managing friend requests, using text formatting options, copying message/channel links, and customizing notification settings, users can enhance their overall Discord experience. Additionally, using server folders, fixing audio settings, and setting voice channel status can also improve the quality of online interactions.