Converting PDF Documents to Text using AI
In today's video, we're going to talk about how to convert PDF documents into text and then use that text for various purposes. For instance, let's say you have a contract and you want to pull out the line items. Traditionally, you would have to do this manually, which can be time-consuming, especially if you have multiple contracts to go through.
Introduction to the Problem
You probably hate doing manual data entry, but now you can do this 100% automatically. In this video, we're going to be talking about exactly how you can do this using a platform called If you're new to, there's a crash course available that will take you through everything you need to learn.
Setting up the Workflow
The workflow starts with a trigger. In this example, we have a Google Drive trigger set up so that anytime a folder or a file enters this folder, it starts the workflow. The first step is using OCR (Optical Character Recognition), which is the process of converting a PDF document into plain text.
This is the caption for the image at 4 seconds, converting PDF to text
Extracting Data from the Document
Once we have the text, we want to extract all the important information from that document. We're using an Open AI Chat GPT module to do this. The module takes the text from the PDF and extracts key information such as line items, names, descriptions, quantities, prices, and subtotals.
This is the caption for the image at 138 seconds, extracting data from the document
Using the Iterator
We're using something called an iterator, which is just a fancy way of saying we want to go through the line items one by one. We start with the first line item, post it into the Google sheet, and then move on to the second line item, and so on.
This is the caption for the image at 249 seconds, using the iterator
That's how you can automatically take documents from places like Google Drive or Gmail or your CRM and do a million different things with them. You can add them to Google Sheets, QuickBooks, or one of the other 10,000 applications in
This is the caption for the image at 315 seconds, conclusion
The blueprints for this workflow are available for free in the description. All you have to do is download the JSON file, click the three dots, and import it into your account. Then you'll have this exact scenario ready to go within the next 30 seconds. Thank you for watching, and I'll see you in the next one!