The Illusion of Happiness: Why You're Already Living Your Dream Life
For most of my life, I thought that if I improved myself and achieved my goals, I would finally reach a point of true happiness. I believed that once I had fixed all my problems, I would be content with my life and feel truly happy. But is that really how it works?
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I used to think that if I just lost weight, got a job, and found a girlfriend, then I would be happy. But I realized that even when I achieved some of these goals, I still wasn't happy. I was stuck in the mindset that my life would only start once I had reached a certain end point.
The Temporary End Point
There came a point in my life where I had reached what I thought was the end point of my goals. I had a girlfriend, a job, and a body that I wanted. But I was failing to realize that I was already living a good life. I was stuck in the illusion that I had to achieve this specific point in the future to be truly happy.
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The truth is, there is no end point in life. Once you've achieved a goal, you'll either feel empty or have a new goal to work towards. The only thing that really matters is what you do on a day-to-day basis.
Living Your Dream Life
The life of your dreams doesn't start at the end point; it starts by consistently working towards your goals. You could be living the life of your dreams right now, but you're failing to appreciate it because you're stuck in the idea that your life only starts at a certain point in the future.
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The life of your dreams is probably closer than you think. You could literally be living it several weeks from now if you come up with a solid plan, figure out what you truly want in life, and start working consistently towards your goals.
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Don't waste your life being stuck in the idea that your life only starts at a certain point in the future. You could be living the life of your dreams right now.