How to Learn Data Analysis Fast and Get Your First Full-Time Data Analyst Job
As a self-taught Data Analyst, I have been through the struggles of learning data analysis from scratch. It took me three years to land a Data Analyst job, and another two years to quit that job and travel the world full-time. But more on that later.
In this article, I will share with you the fastest path to go from zero to a full-time Data Analyst, and throughout this article, I will cover the three major mistakes almost every Data Analyst makes.
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Tooling Up: What You Need to Get Started
The first thing every beginner Data Analyst needs to pick is a tool or programming language for data analysis. Personally, I started off with Excel, which is a great tool for starting out. However, once you've mastered Excel, it's time to move on to more serious tools.
The most logical tool to learn next is Python. I didn't start with Python, and I often ask myself if I could start over with data analysis, knowing what I know today, how would I go about it? And that's exactly what this article is about.
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Building Your Portfolio: Key to Landing Your First Data Analyst Job
Now that you know what tool and programming language to pick and how to actually learn it, it's time to build your portfolio. This will help you build an attractive CV for recruiters on LinkedIn.
If you have a job where you can apply data analytics already, then do so right away. If you don't, then try to build a report or a dashboard showing some key metrics or KPIs that you can show to your manager. He will appreciate it, and you will get to learn your data analysis skills.
If you can't apply to your current job or if you're still studying, then start a project on your own at home. In the end, it's about getting that Data Analyst job, and the best way to do that is as follows: pimp up your LinkedIn profile.
I've made a video before where I give my top five LinkedIn profile tips to attract recruiters on LinkedIn, and I'll summarize it here for you. Make sure you put Data Analysts in as many places as you can in your profile. LinkedIn is a search engine, and if recruiters search for Data Analysts, you want to be found.
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Don't Quit: The Third Major Mistake
Don't quit, let me explain. You see, the second best decision I have ever made in my life was becoming a Data Analyst, and to become one yourself, the only thing you have to do is don't quit. Whether it will take you one week, one month, or one year, if you keep applying, if you keep improving your skills, updating your CV, you will land that job eventually.
And trust me, once you do land that first Data Analyst job, a world of opportunities will open up for you. You can grow your skills into a senior Data Analyst or become a freelance Data Analyst, or what I eventually did, quit my job as a Data Analyst. The single best decision in my life was quitting my job as a Data Analyst.
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If you view being a Data Analyst as a stepping stone to creating a life you want, your dream life, whatever that might be for you, then you might want to subscribe as I share my personal lessons on this journey from a nine-to-five to a dream life.
Watch this video next to learn what made me quit my six-figure job to start YouTube kids.