Next.js 15: What's New and What's Changed
Next.js 15 has finally arrived, and it's packed with exciting new features and changes. If you don't have the time to watch a 30-minute video, this article summarizes everything you need to know in under 2 minutes.
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Breaking Changes: Async Request API
The first breaking change is related to the async request API. Not all components depend on request-specific data, so it's unnecessary to wait for the requests to render them. This means you'll have to await headers, cookies, and search params, leading to a better, faster user experience.
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Caching Changes
Another breaking change concerns caching. By default, nothing is cached in Next.js 15. You'll need to set a stale time in the next
config to enable caching. Additionally, page components are no longer cached by the client router cache.
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React 19 Support
Next.js 15 now supports React 19, which is still in its release candidate version. According to the React team, it's stable enough for production use.
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Server Actions
Server actions are now more secure and faster. If you want to learn more about this, be sure to check out the linked video in the description.
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Enhanced Forms
Forms have been updated with prefetching capabilities, better client-side navigation, and progressive enhancements. You can now use the form
component without writing a lot of code.
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Turbo and Def
Turbo and Def are now stable and ready for use. Turbo brings a lot of optimizations, including 76% faster local server startup, 96% faster refresh, and 45% faster initial route compile without caching.
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Other Changes
There are many other changes and optimizations in Next.js 15, including optimized performance for Def and build, self-hosting of Lop, and instrumentation.js. Be sure to check out the official Next.js blog post for more information.
Next.js 15 is a significant update that brings many improvements and changes. Whether you're a developer or just interested in the latest web development trends, this update is definitely worth checking out. Thanks for reading, and I'll see you in the next video!