Overcoming Procrastination: The One Thing That Stops 99% of People
Caption: The video starts with a bold statement, "if you're watching this video, you're probably someone with extremely ambitious goals."
Are you someone who sets ambitious goals but struggles to achieve them? Do you find yourself procrastinating and making excuses for not taking action? You're not alone. The truth is, most people struggle with procrastination, and it's the one thing that stops them from reaching their goals.
Caption: "There's something really problematic stopping you, you so desperately want to reach those goals, but there's something holding you back."
The reason behind procrastination is not fear of judgment from others, but rather fear of ourselves. We fear that we won't make it, that we're not good enough, and that we won't meet our own expectations. This fear holds us back from taking action and making progress towards our goals.
Caption: "We can always spend our days idealizing, oh my God, it will be awesome living this dream life, getting this dream goal, getting everything we wanted, but then we go back to reality and we're not there yet."
We often idealize our goals and dream about achieving them, but when it comes to taking action, we procrastinate. We make excuses, such as "I'm not loved enough" or "I'm not good enough," and we stay stuck in the same spot.
Caption: "The hard part isn't really starting, it's to keep the momentum going for the first few months after you start, you have to confront this situation without quitting."
The hard part is not starting, but rather maintaining momentum. It's easy to get started, but it's hard to keep going. We need to confront our fears and doubts head-on and take action despite them.
The truth is, nobody can do it for us. We have the power to create change and take action towards our goals. It's time to shut up and take that step forward. There's no secret pill that can 10x our progress, but rather it's the mistakes we make and learn from along the way that will help us achieve our goals.
What's holding you back from achieving your goals? Is it fear of yourself or fear of failure? Take that first step forward, and make it worth something.