EXCEL + AI Complete Tutorial for Beginners: Real Use of ChatGPT AI in Excel
The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Excel has revolutionized the way we work and interact with spreadsheets. The ChatGPT AI tool has made it possible for users to perform complex tasks with ease, even if they have zero knowledge of Excel formulas, VBA, or web development. In this article, we will delve into the world of EXCEL + AI and explore how to use ChatGPT AI in Excel to simplify your work and increase productivity.
Introduction to EXCEL + AI
After watching this video, you will know how to do a whole day's work in a jiffy, in seconds by using AI. You just need to know how to use AI, and with zero knowledge of Excel, formulas, or web development, you can still do a lot of work using AI. If you want a job in Excel, then definitely learn to use AI.
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Example 1: Finding the Total Marks
The first example is very simple. Here we have to find out the total marks. Now you all know the formula of sum here. I am starting from the very basic examples. Watch all these 10 examples one by one, and you will become an Excel AI expert. Whenever you get stuck in any Excel problem or your boss gives you such a task or asks you to apply such a formula that you do not know, if you knew how to use AI, then you would not have to call and ask your friends here and there.
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Example 2: Applying the Formula to Check Fail/Pass
We have to apply the formula for this. See if the marks in all the cells from b3 to f3 are 40 or more than 40 then it should pass here, if the marks in any one cell are less than 40 then it should fail here. Now how will we get this work done through Chat GPT? See I typed the message here in English, this time create a formula to show pass if all cells from b3 to f3 have values greater than and equal to 40 otherwise fail.
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Example 3: Cleaning Data
We have to clean this data. What do we have to do with this data? Firstly, we have to remove the spaces and also convert this data into upper case. So what do we have to do? We will go to Chat GPT and type promote here. I have typed here, create a formula to remove extra spaces from cell b3 and convert into upper case.
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Example 4: Finding the Grade
If the marks are less than 40 in any one cell from b3 to f3, then show fail directly. Do not find out the grade, show fail directly. If it is not fail, that means if the marks in all the cells are 40 or more than 40, then it is pass. Then we have to calculate the grade. Now the rules for it, we will type them in promote.
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Example 5: Automatically Converting Text Entries to Upper Case
If we want that whatever text entries we make in any sheet, it should automatically get converted to upper case. Right now, nothing like this is happening here. So is there any formula for this thing which automatically converts any entry we make anywhere in the entire sheet to upper case or you will get any option here so we will have to use coding.
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Example 6: Creating Data for Practice
If you need any kind of data to practice AI, then do not waste time in creating it manually, tell Chat GPT, it will create the data and give it to you. See here I have typed a prom in excel table format Create data of 20 records which should have employee ID comma employee name comma gender comma department and salary columns.
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Example 7: Modifying the Created Data
If it is male then Mr. should come before the name. If it is female then Miss comes before the name, then for this, if the prompt gender is male, then add Mr. in the employee name, if it is female then add Mrs.
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In conclusion, the integration of AI in Excel has opened up new possibilities for users to simplify their work and increase productivity. The ChatGPT AI tool has made it possible for users to perform complex tasks with ease, even if they have zero knowledge of Excel formulas, VBA, or web development. By following the examples outlined in this article, users can learn how to use ChatGPT AI in Excel to automate tasks, clean data, and create custom formulas. With the power of AI, the future of Excel is looking brighter than ever.