The Benefits of Walking: How This Simple Exercise Can Positively Impact the Health of Your Body and Brain
Discover the benefits of walking, and how this simple exercise can positively impact the health of your body and brain.
Introduction to Walking and Its Benefits
While most people avoid spending the night in jail, Jean Béliveau jumped at the opportunity. For the past three years, Béliveau had been walking from country to country, with the goal of circumnavigating the globe on foot. This required sleeping in tents, strangers’ homes, and the occasional jail cell along the way. Jean Béliveau's journey started with a goal to circumnavigate the globe on foot
The Impact of Walking on Health
Few people have the time or desire to walk such extreme lengths. However, research shows that adding even a modest amount of walking to your daily routine can dramatically improve your health. Research has shown that walking can improve health
What Happens to Your Body When You Increase Your Daily Step Count
So, what exactly happens to your body when you increase your daily step count? A single afternoon stroll can improve your mood and ease symptoms of anxiety and depression. Walking, especially at a brisk pace, is thought to trigger the release of pain-relieving endorphins and curb the release of the stress hormone cortisol. Walking can improve mood and reduce stress
The Adaptation of the Body to Walking
Within weeks of adding more steps to your routine, your body adapts. While it may seem simple, walking requires the coordination and effort of many muscles in your legs, torso, and back. To keep up with the increase in energy demand, the vessels around these muscles are remodeled to deliver more oxygen. The body adapts to walking by increasing oxygen delivery
The Benefits of Walking on Cardiovascular Health
At the same time, your heart becomes more efficient at pumping blood. In a few months, these changes can lower your blood pressure and reduce your risk of heart attack and stroke. Walking can lower blood pressure and reduce heart disease risk
The Benefits of Walking on Bone Density
Carrying the weight of your body as you walk places stress on the bones. But this stress actually makes the bones stronger, as it stimulates the absorption of calcium and minerals. That's why years of consistent walking can help retain bone density, which usually declines with age. Walking can help improve bone density
The Benefits of Walking on Mental Health and Cognitive Function
Building a lifelong walking habit comes with many other benefits, from aiding in weight management to reducing your risk for type 2 diabetes, numerous cancers, and dementia. Simply put, walking is exercise. And unlike other forms, it doesn’t require equipment, and is often more accessible to people of varying ages and fitness levels. Walking can improve mental health and reduce disease risk
The Benefits of Walking on Environment and Community
While activity trackers usually bill 10,000 steps as the ideal benchmark, studies show that any increase in steps per day can yield health benefits. And these steps don't need to be taken continuously. For those who live in walkable neighborhoods, steps are easily accumulated throughout the day; walking to work, to pick up groceries, or to meet with friends. Walking can improve environment and community
In conclusion, walking is a simple exercise that can have a significant impact on the health of your body and brain. By incorporating walking into your daily routine, you can improve your mood, reduce stress, and lower your risk of chronic diseases. Additionally, walking can help improve bone density, aid in weight management, and reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes, numerous cancers, and dementia. Furthermore, walking can also have a positive impact on the environment and community, by reducing greenhouse gas emissions and improving air quality. So, why not start walking today and take the first step towards a healthier, happier you?